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Currency rates
*In case of concluding a transaction of more than AMD 50.000.000 or equivalent, the exchange rates are set on a contractual basis.Updated at: 2024.11.21 14:10:01
Saving together: IDBank and Idram
Since the advent of money in human society, the question of "how to save" has emerged. Through various initiatives, IDBank actively promotes the development of a savings culture among its customers.
Technical works
In order to improve the quality of services and maintenance, our team is re-equipping the banking program, and therefore, from October 27, 08:00 to October 27, 14:30 the following services will be unavailable.
4,401,021 AMD to COAF. The November beneficiary is “Armenia Tree Project”
All funds raised in October through "The Power of One Dram" initiative, AMD 4,401,021, will be donated to the "Children of Armenia" charitable foundation (COAF) to support educational programs for children living in the region.