Business mortgage

Business mortgage

Obtain real estate property for your business under affordable conditions

֏ , $
Interest rate
Starting at 8.5%
Repayment term
24-180 months
Loan amount
Starting at 10,000,000 ֏


Business mortgage

Business mortgage

Obtain, build or renovate real estate property for your business under affordable conditions.
The loans are provided to RA resident/non-resident legal entities.


Convenient repayment term
Maximum 180 months
Currency selection
The loan product is available in AMD and USD
Low interest rate
Starting as low as 8.5%

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Credit line
Use the credit line provided for business purposes

High limit
Up to AMD 250 000 or USD 500 000
Low interest rate
Starting as low as 8.9%
Low Commission fee
Starting as low as 0.5%

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Receive profitable overdrafts for your business

Free service
No monthly service fee is charged
Affordable interest rate
Starting at 13% annual interest rate
Currency selection
The loan product is available in AMD and USD

Compare products

Business mortgage
Business mortgage
The loan product is available in AMD and USD
Starting as low as 8.5%
Maximum 180 months
ID-EIB-III Project
Energy loan
AMD loans at floating interest rate
Low interest rate - Starting as low as 8%
Maximum 90 months
Up to 500 000 000 ֏
Further saving - Saving due to energy-efficient system
Starting as low as 8.5%
Low Commission fee - Starting as low as 0.5%
The loan amount starts at AMD 50 000 000 and is regulated by the Bank
Annuity, decreasing or mixed repayment methods
Maximum 60 months

Special offer

Large, small / medium and micro loans

Get loans on favorable terms to make your business more efficient and profitable. Loans are provided in AMD and foreign currency, starting from 7% annual interest rate.

Business mortgage - Special offers
Loan purpose
1. Acquisition of real estate property, including separate land areas (regardless of the purpose of the real estate),

2. Renovation/reconstruction/construction of real estate property
RA resident/non-resident legal entities meeting the micro, SME and large class according to the Bank’s internal classification standards
Minimum loan term
24 months
Maximum loan term
180 months
Loan amount
Minimum:10,000,000 AMD / 20,000 USD. Maximum: The maximum permissible risk limit per borrower defined by the Bank's internal legal acts.
Annual nominal interest rate
AMD: Fixed interest rate for the first 12 months of the loan term starting from 10.1 %,

floating interest rate of IBRR plus 0-4% starting from the 13th month / USD:

Fixed interest rate for the first 24 months of the loan term starting from 8.5 %,

floating interest rate of IBRR plus 0-4% starting from the 25th month
Loan application revision fee
Not specified
Loan provision commission fee
0.5-1% of the loan amount, one-time
Grace period for principal loan amount repayment
Based on the peculiarities of the business the grace period may be granted during the whole term of the loan, however, the aggregate sum may not exceed 36 months.
Loan and interest repayment
1. on annuity basis, by making equal monthly payments of principal and interest amounts,

2. reducing – equal repayment of principal amount and monthly repayment on interests,

3. mixed – repayment of principal mount based on dynamic of cash flows of the client and repayment of interest on a monthly basis.
Minimum business activity period (uninterrupted)
6 months
Bank account opening/maintenance
According to the tariffs applied in the Bank
Loan amount withdrawal
1. In case of loans extended for the purpose of real estate property acquisition the loan amount is transferred to the seller’s bank account. No cash withdrawal tariff applies to cash withdrawn from the seller’s bank account in the Bank in case if the amount had been transferred to the mentioned account,

2. In case of loans extended for the purpose of real estate property renovation – in accordance with the tariffs
Requirements to the credit history of the Borrower (including participants holding 10% and more in its charter capital)/guarantors
1. Absence of overdue /classified obligations as of the date of loan disbursement,

2. Good or neutral credit history acceptable by the Bank, according to the internal legal acts of the Bank,

3. Credit history requirements for other participants and parties closely related with the borrowers can be set by the decision of the competent authorities of the Bank.
Acceptable means of security/collateral
• Real estate property being acquired/renovated/reconstructed,

• Fixed assets (equipment, machinery, other property),

• Means of transportation,

• Working assets,

• Financial flows,

• guarantees, warranties,

• Financial means,

• precious metals (items),

• Shares,

• Securities,

• Pledge of right,

• Other property or property right allowed by the RA legislation.
Loan/collateral ratio
Defined by internal legal acts applied in the Bank.
Insurance of collateral
In case of the subject of collateral is a vehicle the latter should be insured according to the appraised market value if. In case of the rest of the types of collateral the competent authority of the Bank that takes the decision on providing the loan may require insurance of the subject of collateral.
Fines, penalties
Overdue principal amount penalty - 0.1% daily.

Overdue interest amount penalty – 0.1% daily.

Early loan amount repayment fee - in the amount of 5% of such early repaid amount.
Place of acceptance of the application
All the branches of the Bank
Maximum decision-making term
15 business days after submission of the complete package of documents required by the Bank.
Term of notifying the client about the taken decision
1 business day
Validity term of the decision
30 business days
Term of decision re-approval
Maximum once, within 10 business days after expiration of the validity term of the decision, under the terms of financing applicable as of the day of re-approval
Loan disbursement term
According to the internal legal acts of the Bank.
Information regarding credit history and credit score
You can learn about the importance of credit history and credit score here․

Details via and links.
Required documents
430.21 KB

Apply now

Interest rate starting at 8.5%
Loan amount starting at 10,000,000 ֏

Client type
Legal entity
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+971 (UAE)
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"Shengavit" branch
"Nor Nork" branch
"Malatia" branch
"Centre" branch
"Baghramyan" branch
"Arabkir" branch
"Erebuni" branch
"Hrazdan" branch
"Old Yerevan" branch
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