RA resident and RA non-resident legal entity or individual entrepreneur
Overdraft provided through payment card for replenishment of working assets, current expenses and other business purposes
AMD, USD, Euro
Minimum amount
500,000 AMD or equivalent foreign currency
Maximum amount
50,000,000 AMD or equivalent foreign currency
Minimum term
6 months
Maximum term
36 months
Nominal annual interest rate
starting from 11%
Effective annual interest rate
Overdraft service fee
not defined
Loan application review fee
not defined
Method of providing overdraft
Non-cash, through a payment card opened in the Bank
Payment card type and service conditions
1) In the case of being provided within the scope of the “IDBusiness Shoppy” package, according to the provisions of the Information Summary of the “IDBusiness Shoppy” package provided to Corporate customers.
2) In case of being provided outside the scope of the “IDBusiness Shoppy” package, according to the conditions and tariffs set by the information summary of each card, posted at the following link: Information summary of Business cards
2) In case of being provided outside the scope of the “IDBusiness Shoppy” package, according to the conditions and tariffs set by the information summary of each card, posted at the following link: Information summary of Business cards
Repayments of overdraft amount and interest
Mandatory monthly entries to the card account on or before the 15th day of the given month, in the total amount of 10% of the overdraft used as of the last day of the previous month and the sum of accumulated interest, while repayment of the full amount of the overdraft at the maturity set by the overdraft agreement. Interest is repaid from the funds deposited on the card account in the amount of accumulated interest from each such entry.
Grace period
Up to 45 days
Interest may not be calculated against the non-cash overdraft amounts used during the previous month (except for card-to-card transfers, intrabank and interbank transfers within the RA and between own accounts) if the customer repays the used part of the overdraft in the specified manner before the 15th of the following month.
Interest may not be calculated against the non-cash overdraft amounts used during the previous month (except for card-to-card transfers, intrabank and interbank transfers within the RA and between own accounts) if the customer repays the used part of the overdraft in the specified manner before the 15th of the following month.
Minimum business activity term (uninterrupted)
6 months
Other requirements to the borrower
In case of borrowers with a status of a PE the age of the latter must not exceed 65 years by the overdraft repayment date.
Requirements to the borrower’s credit history
1. Absence of overdue/classified liabilities as of the date of overdraft extension,
2. Absence of more than 30 overdue days in the 12 months prior to the submission of the application
2. Absence of more than 30 overdue days in the 12 months prior to the submission of the application
• Creditworthiness assessment, • real estate property,
• Fixed assets /equipment, technical appliances, other property/,
• Means of transportation,
• Commodities in circulation,
• Right to receivables,
• Financial flows (future cash flows),
• Guarantees, warranties,
• Funds,
• Precious metals (items),
• Shares,
• Securities,
• Pledge of rights,
• Other property of property rights not, prohibited by RA legislation
• Fixed assets /equipment, technical appliances, other property/,
• Means of transportation,
• Commodities in circulation,
• Right to receivables,
• Financial flows (future cash flows),
• Guarantees, warranties,
• Funds,
• Precious metals (items),
• Shares,
• Securities,
• Pledge of rights,
• Other property of property rights not, prohibited by RA legislation
Loan/Collateral (estimated liquid value of the collateral) ratio
According to the decision of the Bank’s competent body maximum 50-100% depending on the type of collateral (in case of loans secured by property collateral). According to the decision of the Bank’ competent body the loan can also be extended without security of property collateral or simultaneously with the security of property collateral and other security (guarantee, future cash flows, property right etc.).
Collateral insurance
according to the decision of the Bank’s competent body insurance of the collateral can be required from of the loan balance or the estimated market/liquid value of the property
Fines, penalties
penalty on overdue overdraft amount – 0.1 per day,
penalty on overdue interest amount – 0.1% per day,
no early repayment penalty is defined
penalty on overdue interest amount – 0.1% per day,
no early repayment penalty is defined
Location of application acceptance and overdraft processing
All branches of the Bank, the Bank’s website (regarding acceptance of application)
Positive factors of extension
1) good credit history,
2) positive creditworthiness estimation,
3) sufficient financial condition,
4) good reputation,
5) other factors.
2) positive creditworthiness estimation,
3) sufficient financial condition,
4) good reputation,
5) other factors.
Rejection factors
1) bad credit history,
2) negative creditworthiness estimation,
3) ՓԼ/ AML/CFT restrictions,
4) insufficient financial condition,
5) providing false or unreliable information,
6) providing such information that calls into question the return of the overdraft,
7) other factors.
2) negative creditworthiness estimation,
3) ՓԼ/ AML/CFT restrictions,
4) insufficient financial condition,
5) providing false or unreliable information,
6) providing such information that calls into question the return of the overdraft,
7) other factors.
Maximum decision-making term
3-5 business days after submitting the complete set of documents required by the bank
Term for notifying the client about the decision
1 business day
Decision validity term
30 business days
Re-approval of decision
maximum 2 times under the conditions of overdraft extension applied as of the date of reaffirmation
Overdraft extension term
Maximum 3 business days after submission of the package of complete documents required by the Bank and registration of the right of pledge after the decision on overdraft extension has been passed, unless the client wishes to receive the overdraft later while observing the term mentioned in paragraph 28
Information regarding credit history and credit score
You can learn about the importance of credit history and credit score here․
Details via and links.
Details via and links.
Apply now
Overdraft with ֏, $ and €
Simplified business analysis