Business Safe without the right to accomplish

Business Safe without the right to accomplish

Receive 8.5% of annual income with "Business Safe" deposit

Annual nominal interest rate
Up to 8.5%
Deposit term
Up to 1096 days
Deposit amount
10,000 ֏ - 100,000,000 ֏


Business Safe without the right to accomplish

Receive 8.5% of annual income with "Business Safe" deposit

Invest your money with the "Business Safe" deposit, increase the deposit amount at any time and receive up to 8.5%* annual income.

You choose whether to receive the interest on a monthly basis or at the end of term.

*Place the deposit without the right of termination, for a term of 180 days and more and receive an interest rate higher than the specified interest rate by 0.5 persentige points for AMD deposits and 0.25  percentage points for USD deposits.

Additional 0.15%
when opening the deposit in USD via Idram&IDBank or
Additional 0.3%
when opening the deposit in AMD via Idram&IDBank or
Free MasterCard card
Provided to all "Safe" depositors

Select the deposit

Deposit amount

You need to select the deposit amount you prefer from the scale below

Deposit term, days

You need to select the deposit term you prefer from the scale below

31 393 734 1096
Receipt of interest

Вам предоставляется возможность получить проценты по вашему усмотрению - ежемесячно, либо в конце срока.

With the right to replenish

Вы можете внести вклад как с правом увеличения суммы вклада, так и без права увеличения.

Interest rate
- %
Your income will be
You get
You invest
You get

The Bank reserves the right of a tax agent to calculate and pay income tax (10%) from interest received against deposit as defined by law.

You may be interested in

Business Safe with the right to accomplish
Receive 7.75% of annual income with "Business Safe" deposit

High interest rate
Up to 7.75% annual income
Additional up to 0․5%
In case of placement for 180+ days without the right of termination
Choosing the currency
The deposit is accepted in AMD, USD, Euro and Rubles

Compare products

Business Safe without the right to accomplish
Business Safe without the right to accomplish
Up to 8.5% annual income
Additional up to 0․5% in case of placement for 180+ days without the right of termination
The deposit is accepted in AMD, USD, Euro and Rubles
Business Safe with the right to accomplish
Business On demand
Up to 7.75% annual income
Additional up to 0․5% in case of placement for 180+ days without the right of termination
The deposit is accepted in AMD, USD, Euro and Rubles
The income is calculated on the daily positive balance
No maximum amount of deposit is specified
The deposit is accepted in AMD, USD, Euro and Rubles

Special offer

Business Safe with the right to accomplish

Choose the option with the right to increase the deposit and you will be able to replenish it after investing the principal amount of the deposit

Business Safe without the right to accomplish - Special offers
31-90 days
At the end of term: 4.00%
91-180 days
Monthly: 4.50% / At the end of term: 5.00%
181-270 days
Monthly: 6.00% / At the end of term: 6.50%
271-365 days
Monthly: 6.50% / At the end of term: 7.00%
731-1096 days
Monthly: 7.50% / At the end of term: 8.00%
181-270 days
Monthly: At the end of term: 0.50%
271-365 days
Monthly: 1.50% / At the end of term: 2.00%
271-365 days
Monthly: 1.50% / At the end of term: 2.00%
366-730 days
Monthly: 2.50% / At the end of term: 3.00%
731-1096 days
Monthly: 2.75% / At the end of term: 3.25%
91-180 days
At the end of term: 0.25%
181-270 days
Monthly: 0.75% / At the end of term: 1.00%
271-365 days
Monthly: 1.00% / At the end of term: 1.25%
366-730 days
Monthly: 1.25% / At the end of term: 1.50%
731-1096 days
Monthly: 1.50% / At the end of term: 1.75%
31-90 days
At the end of term: 2.00%
91-180 days
Monthly: 3.00% / At the end of term: 3.50%
181-365 days
Monthly: 3.50% / At the end of term: 4.00%
366-730 days
Monthly: 5.50% / At the end of term: 6.00%

Tariff archive

Tariffs valid from 30.06.21-16.03.22
145.14 KB
Tariffs valid from 16.03.2022-28.04.2022
167.52 KB
Tariffs valid from 28.04.2022-09․05․2022
169.09 KB
Tariffs of on demand deposit valid frim 28.04.22-09.05.22
149.25 KB
Required documents
102.46 KB

Client type
Legal entity
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+374 (Armenia)
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"Old Yerevan" branch
"Hrazdan" branch
"Erebuni" branch
"Arabkir" branch
"Baghramyan" branch
"Centre" branch
"Malatia" branch
"Nor Nork" branch
"Shengavit" branch
“Vardanants” branch
Abovyan branch
IDBank Head Office
Gyumri branch
Davtashen branch
"Echmiadzin” branch
Vanadzor branch
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Information updated 30.08.2023 05:08
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