

Receive profitable overdrafts for your business

֏ , $
Interest rate
Starting at 13.92%
Repayment term
Up to 12 months
Loan amount
Not specified




Receive overdraft under profitable conditions for the purpose of solving short-term problems of your business. The overdraft is provided without monthly service fee.

Overdraft repayment is performed by crediting funds to the bank account, daily in case of availability of funds on the bank account.


Affordable interest rate
Starting at 13% annual interest rate
Currency selection
The loan product is available in AMD and USD
Free service
No monthly service fee is charged

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Credit line
Use the credit line provided for business purposes

High limit
Up to AMD 250 000 or USD 500 000
Low interest rate
Starting as low as 8.9%
Low Commission fee
Starting as low as 0.5%

Compare products

No monthly service fee is charged
Starting at 13% annual interest rate
The loan product is available in AMD and USD
ID-EIB-III Project
Business mortgage
Package “IDBusiness Shoppy”
Low interest rate - Starting as low as 8%
Maximum 90 months
Up to 500 000 000 ֏
The loan product is available in AMD and USD
Starting as low as 8.5%
Maximum 180 months
Overdraft - Up to AMD 50 mln
֏ bank account - Free of charge
Connection to IDBusiness system - Free of charge

Special offer

Package "IDBusiness Shoppy Overdraft"

Accept non-contact payments through Idram system and use the privileged overdraft package. Get an overdraft of up to AMD 50,000,000, as well as a Visa Business payment card with one year of free service, a free AMD account and much more.

Overdraft - Special offers
Solving short-term financial problems of RA resident

non-resident legal entities, individual entrepreneurs and RA resident

non-resident individuals engaged in agriculture.
Client class
micro, small/medium, large
Minimum amount
micro: 1,000,000 AMD 2,500 USD,

small/medium: 1,000,000 AMD 2,500 USD,

large: 1,000,000 AMD 2,500 USD
Maximum amount
micro: 25,000,000 AMD 50,000 USD,

small/medium: 25,000,000 AMD 50,000 USD,

large: according to internal regulations
Minimum maturity
1 month
Maximum maturity
12 months
Annual interest rate
micro: AMD: from 17% USD: from 14%,

small/medium: AMD: from 15% USD: from 12%,

large: AMD: from 13% USD: from 10%
Annual actual rate
micro: AMD: from 19.73% USD: from 16.21%,

small/medium: AMD: from 17.38% USD: from 13.92%,

large: -
Monthly service fee
Loan application processing fee
Provision fee
1% of the overdraft amount, but no less than 40,000 AMD, single payment
Repayment of used principal amount of the credit line and the interest amount
Overdraft repayment is carried out by crediting funds to a bank account, if funds are available in the bank account, daily, at the end of the banking day. Interest amounts are calculated every day to the actual overdraft balance. Interest is repaid from the 1st to the 5th day of each month in accordance with the overdraft agreement.
Net credit turnover (NCT)
The total amount of credit receipts received by the client to the current foreign currency account opened with the Bank and

or other banks for 12 months prior to the application submission. NCT does not include receipts of funds provided by the Bank and

or other banks, receipts of foreign currency, transfers

replenishments made from one account of the client (including persons related to it) to another account.

NCT is calculated on the basis of bank statements provided by the Customer, monthly maximum and minimum turnovers are not taken into account, since it is based on financial statements for the last reporting year, which are compared with NCT.
Requirement for NCT
Ensuring the minimum amount of NCT stipulated in the overdraft agreement.

After signing the overdraft agreement, the client's account is checked every two months.

In case of failure to provide the minimum amount of NCT, the Bank has the right to reduce the overdraft limit, increase the annual interest rate, demand early repayment of the overdraft and apply other measures stipulated by the agreement.
Minimum term of business history (uninterrupted)
12 month
Minimum business requirement
To receive an overdraft, the client must receive payments at monthly intervals from at least 3 different counterparties within 12 months preceding the submission of the application
Opening/maintenance of bank account
according to the current tariffs of the Bank, which are presented at the following link: information bulletin on tariffs
Loan amount cashout
according to the current tariffs of the Bank, which are presented at the following link: information bulletin on tariffs
Requirements for the borrower / guarantor
Age of physical persons and persons having the status of private entrepreneurs must not exceed 70 at the maturity
Requirements to the credit history of the borrower (including persons owning 10 % and more in the charter capital thereof)

1. No overdue/classified obligations as of the date of loan,

2. Good or neutral credit history acceptable by the Bank, according to internal legal acts of the Bank,

3. Competent authorities of the Bank may decide to make requirements to other participants, as well as persons closely related with the borrower
Acceptable means of security/Pledge
• Real estate,

• Fixed assets/equipment, techniques, other property,

• Vehicles,

• Working assets,

• Right of receivables,

• Financial flows,

• Guarantees, warranties,

• Monetary means,

• Precious metals (goods),

• Shares,

• Securities,

• Right to collateral,

• Other property not prohibited by the RA legislation or property right
Credit line limit/collateral ratio
By decision of the competent authority of the Bank, the maximum rate is 50-100%, depending on the type of collateral (in the case of loans secured by collateral). By decision of the competent authority of the Bank, a loan can be provided without collateral or simultaneously with other collateral (guarantee, financial flows, property rights, etc.).
Insurance of subject of collateral
Under the decision of the competent authority of the Bank, collateral insurance may be required based on the loan balance or the estimated market / realizable value of the property.
Fine, penalty
Fine for overdue credit line amount -0.1% daily.

Fine for overdue interest amount - 0.1% daily
Where to apply
Bank’s branches, Head office
Signing the main loan agreement
At the request of the client, a main loan agreement can be concluded with him for a period of up to 240 months.
Provision factors
1) Positive credit history,

2) Stable cash flows,

3) Compliance of the collateral with the requirements of the Bank,

4) Good reputation,

5) Other factors
Rejection factors
1) Negative credit history,

2) Insufficient financial situation,

3) Non-compliance of the collateral with the requirements of the Bank,

4) Providing false or inaccurate information,

5) Providing information that calls into question the return of the loan,

6) Other factors
Maximum term of making decision
Up to 15 business days after submitting full pack of required documents
Giving notice to the customer
1 business day
Validity term of the decision
30 days
Terms of re-approval
Maximum once, within 30 business days after expiration of the term of decision, under terms of crediting applicable as of the date of re-approval
Term of providing credit line
Maximum 3 business days after the submission of the decision on the provision of a credit line and the provision of the right of pledge after registration, if the client has not expressed a desire to receive a loan later, observing the period specified in clause 31.
Information regarding credit history and credit score
You can learn about the importance of credit history and credit score here․

Details via abcfinance.am and acra.am links.
Required documents
442.66 KB

Apply now

Interest rate starting at 13%
Repayment date up to 12 months

Client type
Legal entity
+374 (Armenia)
+7 (Russia)
+375 (Belarus)
+32 (Belgium)
+1 (USA)
+1 (Canada)
+49 (Germany)
+86 (China)
+995 (Georgia)
+33 (France)
+39 (Italy)
+34 (Spain)
+971 (UAE)
+44 (United Kingdom)
+386 (Slovenia)
+421 (Slovakia)
"Arabkir" branch
"Centre" branch
"Nor Nork" branch
"Hrazdan" branch
"Armavir" branch
IDBank Head Office
"Baghramyan" branch
"Erebuni" branch
"Old Yerevan" branch
"Shengavit" branch
"Malatia" branch
Vanadzor branch
"Echmiadzin” branch
Davtashen branch
Gyumri branch
Abovyan branch
“Vardanants” branch
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