Rocket Line
0% - 24%Real interest rate
1-60 months Repayment term
Up to 10,000,000 ֏Maximum amount
Take advantage of Rocket Line 0% interest-free credit at hundreds of points of sale
Rocket loans/credit lines
up to 21.7% Interest rate
Up to 60 months Repayment term
Up to 10,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Micro loans “Jerm Ojakh”
14%Interest rate
Up to 84 months Repayment term
Up to 3,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Consumer loan
14.5%-18%Interest rate
Up to 120 months Repayment term
Up to 125,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Refinancing loans secured with real property
Starting from 7,5%Interest rate
Up to 240 months Repayment term
Up to 125,000,000 ֏/ 250,000$Loan maximum amount
Loans secured by cash collateral and bonds
Deposit/bond % + 3%Interest rate
Up to 250 000 000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Package IDhome
Up to 4.99%Interest rate
Up to 240 months Repayment term
Up to 125,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Renovation Mortgage Loans. Own resources
Starting from 10%Interest rate
Up to 120 months Repayment term
Up to 125,000,000 ֏/250,000 $Loan maximum amount
For the purchase. Own resources
Buy your dream home today
Starting from 9%Interest rate
Up to 240 months Repayment term
Up to 125,000,000 ֏/250,000 $Loan maximum amount
In case of using individual salary packages, the interest rate of the mortgage loan is reduced by 0.25%. With IDsalary and IDsalary + packages you decide where to get your salary
For the purchase. National mortgage company
Starting from 13%Interest rate
Up to 240 months Repayment term
Up to 60,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
For the purchase. Young families
Starting from 7.4%Interest rate
Up to 180 months Repayment term
Up to 27,750,000 ֏Loan maximum amount
Renovation Mortgage Loans. National mortgage company
Starting from 13.5%Interest rate
Up to 180 months Repayment term
Up to 35,000,000 ֏Loan maximum amount