

March, 6 2023

March 7, 8 work schedule

According to the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days", March 8 is considered a non-working day.

January, 26 2023


Dear customers, please be informed that according to the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days in the Republic of Armenia", January 28 is considered a non-working day.

January, 9 2023

Technical improvements

Today, January 9, from 18:00 to 19:00, the official website of IDBank will be unavailable for 10 minutes.

November, 16 2022


Due to technical work, on November 18 the “Malatia” branch of IDBank will serve customers until 16:00.

September, 23 2022


Technical re-equipment works, starting from September 24th from 16:30 to September 25th 02:00

September, 19 2022

September 20, 21 work schedule

Below you can get acquainted with the working schedule for September 20, 21, 2022.

September, 13 2022


Starting from 13 September of this year, the loan "Gold 0%" will no longer operate at IDBank.

August, 18 2022


Please be informed that due to repair works on August 19 of this year, the “Malatia” branch of IDBank will not operate.

June, 20 2022


Please be informed that the Telcell money transfer system has been temporarily suspended. 

June, 17 2022


Please be informed that due to technical re-equipment works on June 18, short-term unavailability of the following services is possible from 02:00AM till 03:00AM

May, 27 2022


We inform you that according to the RA Law “On holidays and memorable days”, on May 27, 2022, the branches and the head office of the Bank will operate according to the following schedule:

May, 19 2022


Non-cash receipts of funds to the accounts of the Bank's clients in any currency without limitation of amounts remain free of charge for the client after May 20!

May, 6 2022

May 9 Schedule

Dear clients, Please be informed that May 9 is a non-working day for the branches and the head office of the Bank.

May, 5 2022


From May 20 of this year, the current tariffs for cash and non-cash payments of non-resident individuals of the Republic of Armenia will be changed.

April, 15 2022


Changes in IDBank savings accounts and card terms

March, 4 2022

March 7, 8 work schedule

March 7, 8 work schedule

March, 4 2022


Please be informed that there have been made changes at IDBank card and accounts information bulletin.

March, 2 2022

Card transactions notifications change

We are happy to announce that by updating Idram&IDBank mobile banking application, you can receive notifications about transactions from your IDBank card not only via SMS, but also via Push notifications, directly in Idram&IDBank mobile application.

February, 25 2022

IDBank implements the next issue of nominal coupon bonds

On February 25, 2022, IDBank, through a public offer, releases the first tranche of nominal coupon bonds, with the following conditions:

February, 7 2022

IDBank released the first tranche of dollar bonds in 2022

On February 7, through a public offer, IDBank issued 2022 first (within the framework of the 3rd prospectus, approved by decision No. 1/392A by the Chairman of the Central Bank, on July 23, 2021) tranche of nominal coupon bonds under the abbreviation AMANLBB2FERO.

February, 7 2022


Change in the composition of the Bank's shareholders

February, 1 2022


Dear customers, due to technical maintenance works, the following services will be unavailable on January 31 from 08:00 to 11:00:

November, 10 2021

Change of operating hours

Dear customers, please be informed that the hours of operation will be changed in branches of IDBank.

October, 4 2021


In order to carry out technical works, IDBank's Vanadzor branch will not serve clients today.

September, 13 2021

Technical works

Please be informed, that in order to carry out technical work

September, 10 2021

Technical works

Please be informed, that in order to improve the quality of service and carry out technical work, the following services will be unavailable starting from September 11,

September, 6 2021


On October 21, 2021, at 15:00 an extraordinary General Meeting of the Shareholders of “ID Bank” CJSC will take place.

August, 31 2021

Be aware

Please be aware that by providing confidential information, customers become victims of fraud, and as a result, fraudsters issue online loans in their names.

August, 23 2021


Please be informed that IDBank tariffs have been changed and will enter into force starting from 06.09.2021

August, 2 2021


We do our best to make your money work effectively for you, and you manage it easily!

July, 30 2021


Please be informed that changes have been made to cash withdrawal tariffs of IDBank’s Visa debit cards.

July, 15 2021

Technical works

Please be informed, that in order to improve the quality of service and carry out technical work, the following services will be unavailable on July 17 of this year,

July, 2 2021

Working schedule of July 5

In accordance with the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days", July 5 is a non-working day. On that day the head office and branches of the Bank will not

July, 2 2021

IDBank fully redeemed the 4th tranche of coupon bonds

On July 1, IDBank fully redeemed the 4th dollar tranche of coupon bonds․

June, 25 2021

Technical works

Dear users, please be informed that on June 27, during the period from 01.00 to 07։00, planned works on system updates will take place.

June, 18 2021

Changes in the service conditions and tariffs of IDBank cards

We would like to inform you that there have been changes in the service conditions and tariffs of IDBank cards.

June, 2 2021


To prevent fraud, to ensure your financial security, we would like to inform you that IDBank does not cooperate with intermediary companies or individuals in providing

May, 26 2021

Working schedule of May 28

In accordance with the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days", on May 28, 2021, the head office and branches of the Bank will not operate.

May, 17 2021

Change of operating hours

Dear customers, please be informed that the hours of operation will be changed in Baghramyan and Erebuni branches of IDBank.

April, 12 2021


Please be informed that changes have been made to Deposit and Saving accounts terms of IDBank.

April, 7 2021


Please be informed, that starting from April 7 of the current year, Sigue Money Transfer system will not operate in IDBank.

March, 22 2021


On April 23, 2021 at 15:00 Yerevan time, an Annual General Meeting of the Shareholders of “ID Bank” CJSC (hereinafter - Bank) will take place.

March, 5 2021


Please be informed that in accordance with the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days", 8 of March is a non-working day. On that day the head office and branches

March, 1 2021


Dear customers, Please be informed that changes have been made to the

February, 19 2021


Maintain your information and financial security!

January, 27 2021


Please be informed that in accordance with the RA Law "On holidays and memorial days", on January 28, 2021, the head office and branches of the Bank will not

December, 29 2020

Holidays working schedule

On New Year and Christmas holidays IDBank’s “Centre” branch will operate according to the following schedule

December, 22 2020


Ensure your financial and information security.

December, 12 2020


Please be informed that today, December 16, Rocket line and Rocket loan will be unavailable for a short period of time.

December, 8 2020


Dear customers, we urge you to be as careful as possible in the issues of using your accounts, cards and e-wallets.

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Information updated 28.03.2025 05:24
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