May, 30 2019

More opportunities for IDBank's Visa premium cardholders

Free access to lounges at more than 1000 airports․

May, 16 2019

A new card with many advantages: IDBank has issued a new co-branded card with Idram

The new Idram Rocket Visa card is the result of cooperation of IDBank and Idram.

May, 10 2019

Karen Nalbandyan: We are happy to support Rock Aid Armenia anniversary

Mediamax talked to Karen Nalbandyan, IDBank Business Development Director.

April, 30 2019

IDBank Scholarship of 1 million AMD for students

The launch of Scholarship Program in the name of IDBank is announced.

April, 29 2019

IDBank's Ejmiatsin branch at a new address

IDBank's new branch reopening took place.

April, 26 2019

IDBank joins the International Chamber of Commerce

IDBank is the first Armenian bank to officially join the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

April, 12 2019

IDBank Scholarship will be established had an interview with Sona Manucharyan, the Head of IDBank's HRM Division.

March, 15 2019

IDBank will continue to be one of the most active players in the bond market in 2019

The Bank has successfully completed the placement of the first issue of bonds in 2019.

March, 7 2019

"Hello spring!" IDBank's gift on the occasion of women's holidays

IDBank has a surprise for women's holidays.

March, 7 2019

IDBank conducts “Build your career with IDBank” training program

In February IDBank announced the launch of the training program “Build your career with IDBank”․

March, 6 2019

“Spring in Paris”: IDBank jointly with Mastercard raffles four tickets to Disneyland Park in Paris

IDBank participates in Mastercard "Spring in Paris" campaign.

March, 4 2019

Ministry of Emergency Sitautions conducted demonstrtive tactical training at IDBank

On March 1st, the World Civil Defense Day, the Ministry of Emergency Situations held demonstrative tactical training at IDBank.

February, 25 2019

IDBank participated in the investment business forum “My step for Lori marz”

“My step for Lori marz investment business forum took place on February 23 in the ''Vanadzor technological center''.

February, 18 2019

Chairman of the Management Board of IDBank Mher Abrahamyan's interview to

February, 18 2019

IDBank issues new tranche of bonds

The subsequent tranche of bonds will be issued on February 20, at the volume of USD 5 million.

January, 25 2019

Chairman of the Management Board of IDBank: We don’t foresee significant risks of the Armenian banking system in 2019.

Exclusive interview with “ARKA” agency.

January, 24 2019

IDBank prolongs the waiver process of fines and penalties on unreliable loans for individuals

IDBank decided to continue the waiver process of penalties.

January, 22 2019

IDBank's 6th time issued bonds were listed on the “Armenian Securities Exchange”

IDBank's 6th time issued bonds were listed on the “Armenian Securities Exchange” (AMX).

January, 11 2019

Mher Abrahamyan. IDBank has all preconditions to become a first choice bank sat down for an interview with Mher Abrahamyan, the newly appointed Chairman of the Management Board of IDBank.

January, 10 2019

IDBank appoints new chairman of Management Board

IDBank Council has appointed Mher Abrahamyan the new Chairman of the Management Board.

December, 27 2018

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

December, 7 2018

With the sponsorship of ID Bank, the ITF Taekwondo national team of Armenia achieved great success in Minsk

With the sponsorship of IDBank, the ITF Taekwondo national team of Armenia took part in the open CIS Cup - the World Cup in Taekwondo ITF

November, 23 2018

IDBank received participants of Financial Tour of the CBA

IDBank participated in the financial tour devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Armenian Dram, and the 125th anniversary of the CB․

November, 19 2018

IDBank presented new rebranded branch in Vanadzor city

Grand opening of IDBank new branch took place on November 16 in Vanadzor city.

November, 13 2018

Privilege Banking: “Your package of individual services”

After rebranding ID Bank has introduced itself to the customers as “a new bank”, and among the other services, offered by the Bank is the Privilege Banking, which has been implemented since December last year. 

November, 7 2018

IT classroom is opened in Artik, under the support of IDBank

Students of Artik School N 5 shall henceforth have the opportunity to get acquainted with informational technologies.

October, 31 2018

IDBank Celebrated World Savings Day

October 31 is the World Savings Day.

October, 29 2018

“Our client is our partner” – Sergey Virabyan, Corporate Business Director, IDBank

3 months ago IDBank appeared with a new offer which was intended for corporate clients.

September, 3 2018

Armenia’s IDBank achieves record highs, profit up by 65%, loan portfolio—by 15%

IDBank of Armenia has summed up the results of its first half-year indicators, according to which a more than AMD 2.5bn net profit was recorded, and the loan portfolio grew by 15%.

June, 25 2018

IDBank supported World Vision Armenia to send 150 children from needy families to #DreamCamp!

IDBank supported World Vision Armenia to send 150 children from needy families to #DreamCamp!

June, 14 2018

IDBank organises World Cap open-air FanZone

IDBank organized FanZone under open-air for football fans in the English park of Yerevan, located on the street of Italy in the vicinity of the Theater named after A.M. Sundukyan. From June 14 to July 15, everyone will be able to see the broadcast of all matches of the World Cup in this FanZone. During this period, the Bank and its partners will conduct interesting lottery drawings.

June, 8 2018

Anelik Bank from now on rebranded as “IDBank”

During the press release held on May 30 and following presentation, “Anelik Bank” announced its rebranding and presented its new brand and logo. Starting from June 4, the Bank will appear as “IDBank”.

January, 30 2018

Anelik Bank launched a new service - an impersonal metal account

Anelik Bank offers customers to conduct non-cash operations with gold of 999.9-th test to take advantage of a new service - the opening and management of an impersonal metal account.

January, 12 2018

Anelik Bank received the certificate of compliance with the international standards ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 27001: 2013

Anelik Bank, after another audit, received from the British Institute of Standards (BSI) a new edition of the certificate of compliance of the bank's activities with the international quality management standards ISO 9001: 2015 and management of the information security system ISO 27001: 2013.

December, 12 2017

USD coupon bonds are fully placed

Coupon bonds totally amounting to USD 5 million have been fully placed as a result of procedure commenced on October 12.

December, 6 2017

On the eve of the New Year holidays Anelik Bank has launched a new campaign specially for cardholders

Anelik Bank continues to spring new surprises to its clients.

October, 30 2017

Anelik Bank launches a new promotional action of providing loans secured by gold.

In the scopes of the launched action clines of the Bank can receive short-term loans secured by gold at an annual interest rate of 8% and 9.5%, and loans in AMD at an annual interest rate of 11% and 12.5 % by December 1, 2017. The maximum amount of crediting is 30 million AMD, the maximum term – 6 months.

October, 27 2017

Anelik Bank summed up the results of the “Summer” action

On October 27 Anelik Bank summed up the results of the “Summer” action and awarded the winners of the action.

October, 23 2017

“Nor Nork” branch hours of operation extended till 19։45

From now on the “Nor Nork” branch of the Bank will serve clients for extended hours of operation – from 09:15 to 19:45, and from 10:00 to 14:00 on Saturdays.

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October, 25 2016


Anelik Bank has introduced a new type of combined card Hotel Express VISA Gold, which allows the cardholder to go on a safe and pleasant trip.

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June, 20 2016

Special promotional action for clients of Anelik Bank branches in the regions

Special promotional action for clients of Anelik Bank branches in the regions

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June, 16 2016

Valuable gifts granted to 13 depositors of Anelik Bank

Valuable gifts granted to 13 depositors of Anelik Bank

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March, 31 2016

Credit lines

Periodic recipients of money transfers through money transfer systems available in Anelik Bank will be allowed to use a new revolving credit line “Transfer” introduced in the Bank recently.

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March, 21 2016

“Maternity Allowance” through Anelik Bank

Unemployed mothers can get “Maternity Allowance” through Anelik Bank

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February, 3 2016

New branch of Anelik Bank in the administrative district of Erebuni

New branch of Anelik Bank in the administrative district of Erebuni in Yerevan city

May, 3 2024

30% cashback for Glovo

Order fast delivery with Glovo before May 8 and get 30% cashback.

September, 24 2021

Education is the basis of a strong state: IDBank and Russian-Armenian University announced cooperation

The Institute of Economics and Business of the Russian-Armenian University and IDBank signed a memorandum of cooperation, within the framework of which, with the support of the Bank, the master's educational program "Data Analytics" will be developed and implemented.

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June, 24 2021

Anelik Bank registered significant growth of credit and deposit portfolios.

Anelik Bank registered significant growth of credit and deposit portfolios following the results of the 3rd quarter of 2015  

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June, 24 2021

Each MasterCard and Maestro cardholders can win one of the 1800 tablets

MasterCard and Maestro cardholder clients of Anelik Bank who will make 30 or more non-cash transactions besides online transactions with a total amount of 300 thousand AMD or more from October 15 to December 15 of this year

June, 24 2021

Anelik Bank to switch to a completely different – digital platform

Interview of the Acting Chairman of the Management Board of “Anelik Bank” CJSC, Financial Director Ruben Melikyan for information agency.

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Information updated 26.07.2024 06:08
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